Monday, 31 December 2012

I missed a trick!

I posted this just now, on a blog called "freelancing", on a different blog address:


My name is Mark Castro-Garcia, and I'm a freelancer...I set myself a goal, to get myself listed on the first page of results on Google, when you search for "freelance artworker" (ie. in the top ten).

The other day, I noticed I'd risen from the 5th page to the 3rd page, at position 21...this morning I checked, and I'm in at number 11, on page 2! Only one more increase, and I'll have achieved my goal! I won't stop there though...I intend to keep on improving - I mean for a start, my page/site is pretty sparse, so I will work on the content and the layout more, and keep updating my blog regularly as well.

One thing I've spotted is that the old link to my blog, via my site, directed people to a specific blog entry, and not my whole blog, so I've corrected that now...hopefully that will make a difference, as I've heard that blog content can be just as important to SEO results as site content. 


the trick I missed is that if I am trying to boost my connection with the search "freelance artworker", then it would make sense that my blog is called that, and so is the address! I will now amend my site's blog link again, and then carry on adding to this blog from now on